Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 22: Countdown No. 5, Mad Shadows (1970)

"Anything's better than the life I've known, I can't face anything that low." -- Walkin with a Mountain (1970)

This one should have been Sticky Fingers. I assume you've heard that story.

Mad Shadows is a better title anyway for the lyrical content. And the cover, which looks like a Rorshack test, is perfect because some of the lyrics make you want to call a psychiatrist.

I think it's great. Of the early era MTH albums, which I basically bought in a pack, this one has grown on me the most.

Mick Ralphs' "Thunderbuck Ram" is an awesome opener, from its first chords to its abrupt denouement. I think it would even be a great opener for the reunion shows. It's the best song Mick wrote for Mott. I love the way "No Wheels to Ride" builds from a ballad into something a lot more. Of course I love "Walkin With a Mountain," maybe because I know what it became as a concert staple for Ariel Bender in later MTH days.

The lyrics here are as dark and angry as anything on Brain Capers. The difference is that Brain Capers suggested a more physical expression of violence. This one is more psychotic. Case in point: Ian Hunter's "When My Mind's Gone."

It held together well as a selection of songs and still holds up today, but there was a ceiling on how far they could go with it. And it wasn't far, as the successor, Wildlife, was much lighter.


Thunderbuck Ram (4.5)
No Wheels to Ride (4)
You Are One of Us (3)
Walkin With a Mountain (4.5)
I Can Feel (3)
Threads of Iron (2.5)
When My Mind's Gone (3)


  1. only 4 out of 5 for no wheels to ride john, think you should give it another listen

    otherwise- great site, well done

    all the best


  2. OK, let's make it 6 out of 5 and move "Mad Shadows" up to No. 1.

    Thanks for the visit!
