Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 2: In London

It's quiet around the Hammersmith today. There are signs up that whatever act was scheduled for tonight has cancelled. Let's hope that's not a trend.

The marquee shows Paolo Nutini, who's here Wednesday night. I don't know who that is, but he has sold the place out, so a lot of people must know.

Scouting the area: WiFi is available at a McDonalds and a Starbucks across the street from the Hammy A, so I should be able to get stuff up pre-show and a setlist, photos if they let me and review real quick Thursday.

I'm going to a reception for Morgan Fisher on Thursday, and if significant people are there we'll see what they have to say -- on camera.


  1. where is the reception at? I'd love to partake!

  2. It is at the Troubador near Earl's Court. Might be invite-only.
